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11:00 am - 3:00 pm MST Mon. Wed. Fri.

UTIs in Women

What You Should Know

What You Can Do About It*

Don't Be a Statistic

Almost 6 women in 10 (60 percent) of all women have at least one distinctly painful bladder infection during their lifetimes. Unfortunately, nearly 20 percent of women who have a bladder infection will have another. Also, 30 percent of that group will have yet another bout.

Of the last group of women, 80 percent will have bladder infection recurrences. They are most common in the age groups 25-29 and over 55 years. For example, in the United Kingdom alone, it is estimated that 1 woman in 3 will have a UTI before the age of 24. And that half of all women will have at least one UTI during their lifetime. It is a worldwide problem, says professor Chris Thomas, an expert in bacteria at the University of Birmingham.

But you don't have to be a statistic! If you take good care of your urinary tract you can avoid all those nasty infections that have been affecting so many women.

Urinary Self-Defense Systems

There are many types of urinary tract infection depending on the part affected: the kidneys (nephritis), the ureters (ureteritis), the bladder (cystitis), or the urethra (urethritis). The urinary tract produces, stores, and eliminate urine - a combination of water and waste products that passes out of the body as fluid.

Because the urinary system is structured in a way that helps ward off pathogenic bacteria, an infection does not always occur when they are introduced into the bladder. Also, the urinary tract consists of a number of natural safeguards that protect it against infection-causing bacteria. This natural self-defense system includes:

Urine / Urea

Normally, urine is normally sterile, that is, free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. So, it functions as an antiseptic, helping to wash potentially harmful bacteria out of the body during normal urination.

Urine contains large quantities of urea. It is the colorless, crystalline end product manufactured within the liver and excreted from the body via urinary tract. Known for its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, urea helps to inhibit the growth of many types of detrimental bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus.


These tubes carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The ureters and the bladder are structurally designed to prevent urine from backing up toward the kidneys.

Bladder Lining

When bacteria infect the bladder, the cells that line the bladder, literally, sacrifice themselves and self-destruct (a process called apoptosis). In so doing, they fall away from the lining, carrying the bacteria with them. This process, suggested by some interesting research, eliminates about 90 percent of the E. coli.

In fact, the immune defenses continuously fight bacteria and other harmful micro-invaders. In addition, antibacterial substances in the mucous lining of the bladder eliminate many organisms.


In healthy fertile women, vagina is colonized with by lactobacilli, beneficial micro-organisms that maintain a highly acidic environment (low pH). They play an important role in protecting the host from urogenital infections. Lactobacilli also produce hydrogen peroxide, which helps to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and reduces the ability of E. coli to adhere to vaginal cells.

Human Beta Defensin 1 (hBD1)

Our body is constantly challenged by all kinds of bacteria, both commensal (as a part of our normal flora*) and pathogenic (infectious). At the same time, antimicrobial molecules (peptides), constantly secreted by our innate immune system, protect the body from bacterial overgrowth, keeping in balance our microbiota – all micro-organisms and viruses coexisting in the gastrointestinal tract.

These antimicrobial peptides, called defensins, act mainly by disrupting the structure of pathogenic bacterial cell membranes. It is a very complex and sophisticated defense mechanism.

One of the most prominent antimicrobial molecules is the human beta defensin 1 (hBD1). It is constantly expressed by epithelial cells and exhibits complex and diverse host antimicrobial strategies. Besides disrupting the bacterial cell walls, it creates a net-like structure surrounding and entrapping infectious bacteria.

*Our normal flora contains approximately one hundred trillion bacteria covering our body and living in the gastrointestinal tract.

Medical Diagnosis

In most cases, about 80 percent in adults, urinary tract infection is caused by a variety of pathogens (infectious bacteria) normally present in the intestines, especially in the rectum. Nearly all infections of the lower urinary tract and bladder are caused by a few strains of E. coli bacteria, called uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC).

The only way to diagnose an infection is checking a urine sample.

Urinary Analysis (U/A)

This test is commonly performed in the doctor's office or in lab. It just takes a few minutes - a dipstick is placed in the urine sample and up to ten different substances can be detected.

Microscopic Urinalysis (U/A micro)

A doctor may also wait a few hours for the lab to run a microscopic urinalysis - a drop of urine is examined under a microscope - to help in the decision whether or not to start an antibiotic treatment while the urine culture is running.

Urine Culture

With no doubt, urine culture is the most accurate test to determine for sure whether or not an infection is present. The lab puts the urine sample in an incubator. If any bacteria are in the sample, they will multiply and show up. However, it takes 24 to 48 hours for the bacteria to grow enough to be detected.

Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST)

If only one type of bacteria grows in the culture, the lab will expose the bacteria to a variety of antibiotics to see to which ones the bacteria are sensitive. This usually takes one day after the culture is positive. It helps to decide which antibiotic is best for the infection.

Multiple Causes

In most cases, in about 80 percent of adult women, urinary tract infections are caused by a variety of infectious bacteria (uropathogens) normally present in the intestinal tract, especially in the rectum.

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

Nearly all infections of the lower urinary tract and bladder are sue to a few strains of E. coli bacteria, called uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC).

Other Uropathogens

  • Chlamydia trachomatis
  • Enterococcus faecalis (formerly Streptococcus)
  • Group B streptococcus (GBS)
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Mycoplasma hominis
  • Proteus mirabilis
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Staphylococcus (aureus, saprophyticus)

Other Possible Causes

  • Yeast infection
  • Allergies
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Lubricated condoms
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Poor kidney function

Multiple Risk Factors

Below there are the common risk factors - attributes, characteristics or exposures - that increase your likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection:

  • Being female
  • Pregnancy
  • Poor hygiene
  • Dehydration
  • Sexual position
  • Diaphragm & spermicide use
  • Frequent intercourse
  • Postmenopausal
  • Aged 65 and older
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Failure to completely empty the bladder
  • Urinary tubes, stents, or catheters
  • Diabetic bladder
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • History of childhood urinary tract infections
  • Congenital abnormality
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Blood type

UTI Prevention Tips

(Do's and Don'ts)

The tips for UTI prevention may be summarized as follows:

  • Practice good personal hygiene.
  • Urinate when you feel the need.
  • Take showers instead of tub baths.
  • Use white unscented & unbleached toilet paper.
  • Cleanse the genital area before sexual intercourse.
  • Wipe from front to back (after you go to the bathroom).
  • Change sexual positions.
  • Lubricate adequately during sexual intercourse.
  • Urinate after sexual intercourse.
  • Avoid sex with a UTI.
  • Avoid wet or tight clothing.
  • Do not wear a wet bathing suit for a long time.
  • Avoid nylon underwear and clothing made of synthetic fiber (such as Spandex, Lycra or elastane).
  • Use pantyhose with cotton crotches.
  • Avoid feminine chemicals.

Standard Antibiotic Treatments

(Employed in a Trial-and-Error Fashion)

In the United States alone, more than 11 million women each year are given antibiotics for urinary tract infections. Typically, those who have frequent recurrences (three or more UTIs a year) are offered:

  • low doses of antibiotics for long periods of time (as long as 6 months to 2 years),
  • single doses of antibiotics after sexual intercourse,
  • short courses (1 or 2 days) of antibiotics when symptoms appear.

Usually, stronger antibiotics are given for single, acute episodes of bladder infection (cystitis). After acute symptoms have subsided, prophylactic, or preventive, therapy with low-dose antibiotics is recommended.

Besides antibiotics, medical treatments also include:

  • antidepressants (to effect a change in the bladder lining),
  • water dilation of the bladder,
  • surgery - up to (and including) bladder removal.

These treatments are normally employed in a trial-and-error fashion with varying degrees of success.

In fact, antibiotic treatments do not successfully kill all the bacteria participating in the infection. And they may encourage many of the bacteria to persist in a resting state.

Therefore, current standard drug treatments for bladder infections are still not adequate. This phenomenon may account for many of the stubborn, repeated urinary tract infections.

The Antibiotic Drawbacks

Although antibiotics are not ‘cure-alls’ for all, they have become a worldwide medical standard for urinary tract infections.

The antibiotic treatments have many well-known drawbacks. Here’re the most common ones:

  • They kill both the unwanted micro-organisms and wanted micro-organisms. (Research has shown that a single course of ciproflaxin can disrupt a third of the microbe species naturally present in the gut, and other work has suggested that in some people, the microbiome* might never really recover.)
  • When used long-term or repeatedly they lead to major disturbances both in normal body microflora and in overall health.       
  • They may cause stomach upset, rash, and allergic reactions.      
  • They may cause nasty yeast infections.

Also, all antibiotic therapies carry with them the risks of developing:

  • antibiotic-resistant bacteria (for example, Staphylococcus aureus ('golden staph' or MRSA) is now almost always resistant to benzyl penicillin),
  • gastrointestinal problems (such as an upset stomach, abdominal cramping and gas; diarrhea is a common concern),
  • adverse effects, especially on:
  • the liver (hepatic dysfunction, including cytotoxic hepatitis, intrahepatic cholestasis, mixed hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, or microvesicular steatosis) and
  • the kidneys (for example, aminoglycosides, such as tobramycin/Vibramycin used for UTIs, can cause toxicity in “renal tubular cells”).

Therefore, due to all these hazards, especially of prolonged antibiotic therapy, the use of antibiotics should be reduced to the absolute minimum!

According to research carried out in nearly 36,500 women, those who take antibiotics over a long period of time are at increased risk of

  • heart attack
  • stroke, and
  • bowel cancer (according to a study published in 2017).

*The microbiome is the genetic material of all the microbes - bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses - that live on and inside the human body. The number of genes in all the microbes in one person's microbiome is 200 times the number of genes in the human genome (all of the approximately three billion base pairs of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that make up the entire set of chromosomes of the human organism).

The human microbiome may weigh as much as five pounds.

People Write to Us

A Desperate Cry for Help

I took a fluoroquinolone antibiotic* to kill the infections and it destroyed my body. I cannot stand or walk.

I'm disabled with a lot of side effects. And I still have these infectionsmycoplasma hominis** and ureaplasma urealyticum.**

Please help !

*Fluoroquinolones – broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotics are being used against both Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Gram-positive bacteria, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). One of the most widely used fluoroquinolones worldwide is ciprofloxacin.

** Although there are about 200 types of mycoplasma bacteria, it is currently understood that only a few species cause urinary infections, including: Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum.

Mycoplasma hominis urinary tract infection can cause discharge from the urethra or pain when urinating. It may be connected to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and bacterial vaginosis.

Ureaplasma urealyticum urinary tract infection can be contracted through sexual contact.

Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum have been found resistant to ciprofloxacin. Cipro is a strong antibiotic used to treat serious bacterial infections, or infections when other antibiotics have not worked. Of the fluoroquinolone class, it is the most potent against gram-negative bacilli bacteria (especially, the Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.,

and Neisseria).

Repeated Bladder Infections

One possible factor behind recurrent urinary tract infection may be the ability of bacteria to attach to cells lining the urinary tract. The symptoms sometimes can be caused by chemical irritation such as bath additives or soaps. They may disappear, if toiletries are changed.

Also, you are likely to continue having urinary tract infections, if you have had three or more a year. In other words, you can expect to get another infection within 18 months of the last one, or even more frequently.

Usually, the latest infection stems from a strain or type of bacteria that is different from the infection before it, indicating a separate infection. Even when several urinary tract infections in a row are due to E. coli, slight differences in the bacteria indicate distinct infections.

However, you may have recurrent symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection - but without infection being present. This condition is not serious but can be troublesome.

Chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections should always be treated thoroughly because of the chance of a kidney infection (nephritis).

Multidrug Resistant UTIs

(In the Elderly)

UTIs are the most common bacterial infections found in nursing home residents, accounting for:

  • 50% of reported infections in Norwegian nursing homes,      
  • 30% to 50% in U.S. nursing homes, and  
  • 25% of all infections in the noninstitutionalized elderly in the United States.

The incidence of UTIs is higher in the elderly due to genitourinary abnormalities, urolithiasis (stones in the kidney, bladder, and/or urethra), dehydration, and diabetes, among other causes.

These are considered complicated UTIs - in the presence of factors that predispose to persistent or relapsing infection, such as:

  • foreign bodies (calculi, indwelling catheters),
  • obstruction,
  • renal failure, and
  • urinary retention (the inability to completely or partially empty the bladder).

UTIs are prone to recur when urinary tract abnormalities persist or treatment ineffectively eradicates resistant bacteria.

UTIs are considered recurrent when ≥ 3 occur within 1 year or ≥ 2 occur in a 6-month period. The anticipated recurrence rate of complicated UTIs at 4 to 6 weeks following completion of therapy is 40% to 60%.

Current practice standards recommend not treating asymptomatic UTIs to avoid contributing to bacterial antibiotic resistance.

The frequent use of antibiotics, such as quinolones (like ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin), which are increasingly inactive against these organisms, contributes to

  • the overgrowth of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and
  • their appearance in the genitourinary tract.

As UTI-causing bacteria become more resistant to available antibiotics, the need to explore new strategies for managing UTIs is clear.

*Based on various available sources and studies, our research and practical experience. Last modified on August 23, 2021.

Natural Alternative Measures

Contrary to a popular belief and common medical practice, people with urinary tract infection do not have to suffer and be exposed to countless rounds of vicious antibiotics.

With the help of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herbs, nutrients and phytonutrients, it is possible to get through both acute and chronic UTI by:

  • improving the quality and functioning of the uroepithelium, or urothelium – an epithelial tissue that lines the distal, farthest away portion of the urinary tract, including the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, upper urethra, and glandular ducts of the prostate;
  • disinfecting the entire urinary tract,
  • inhibiting and preventing inflammation,   
  • enhancing the growth of some forms of beneficial bacteria within the body such as Bifidobacteria bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus,
  • destroying some forms of detrimental fungi such as Candida albicans and Candida krusei.

Compared to standard medical treatments (read: antibiotics), the natural, non-pharmacological approach to UTI infection is clearly a superior option – much safer and without side effects.

It is our working experience that bladder infection can be successfully controlled and most importantly prevented with the help of natural formulations. Therefore, you, or someone you know or hold dear, who suffers from urinary tract infection should give this approach serious consideration.

Women Write to Us

(Real Life Stores & Testimonials)

The pain was gone

I have been plagued with bladder infections for about 3 years now. Having a bladder infection every 6 - 8 weeks was very unacceptable to me. Ending up in emergency in the middle of the night in excruciating pain, blood in my urine and fever was not much fun. The treatment every time was a round of antibiotics.

I started doing my own research and came upon Uribiotic. I ordered two bottles and waited for the next infection which didn't let me down. Instead of the antibiotics (which I made sure I always had on hand), I started on the Uribiotic as per the instructions.

Within 8 hours the pain was gone and I was comfortable. I stayed on the Uribiotic for the complete round as recommended and now take one three times a day.

I have been infection-free for 2 months and want to keep it that way.

I highly recommend this product. In my mind, anytime I can avoid antibiotics it is a good thing!

Thank you!

Laurie K.

British Columbia, Canada

Very helpful for elderly

I have an elderly female nursing home patient who has chronic recurrent UTIs and multiple drug allergies.

The Uribiotic Formula has been very helpful to make the frequency of her infections much less often.

Dr. A.

Maryland, USA

My infection was cured

For years I have been plagued with UTIs. Each time trying to fight it off with baking soda, Alka-Seltzer, drinking lots of water and searching the web for natural remedies, only to end up at the dreaded Urgent Care to get antibiotics. Some of them even gave me bad side effects.

I found Uribiotic Formula on my last web search and I read some of the testimonials and thought I would give it a try.

I was amazed! It really, really worked. I didn't go on antibiotics and my infection was cured.

Thank you a million times over! What a freedom to be able to have a natural cure and not have to be on antibiotics...

Uribiotic really works and I would highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from a UTI.

Laurie S.

Wheelersburg, Ohio, USA

My health is back


I would like to share my experience with Uribiotic Formula. It is my belief that I contracted a community-based exposure to bacteria that would later come to haunt me for years. While at a stay in the hospital delivering my daughter, the nurse failed to realize that she had not tended to my catheter, which I had due to being induced and receiving an epidural. In short, I left the hospital with a UTI and had recurring UTIs for years since then, even having to be placed on intravenous antibiotics at one point.

My primary care providers along the way failed to treat me as well, instead resigning care to prescribing antibiotics monthly for the last two years straight. I knew this could not be good for me. So I was determined to find a better way to regain my health.

As I was researching the subject I came across your website. And I knew instantly just by the details on the site that the producers of the product and site were well versed on the subject. I knew that I could trust what I was reading since I had done my own research as well, so I knew what to look for in terms of potential causes of UTIs.

On the first day of taking the Uribiotic, I could tell that something was occurring. I was still not sure, if it would be a cure given my long history of UTIs. So to be sure, I took the advice offered on the site and went through three bottles of Uribiotic Formula. Additionally, I also began taking the oregano and UT ProbioticsUltra as well.

I can honestly say that I am now symptoms-free, my health is back. And for the first time in years, I have my life back! I am no longer at the mercy of a practitioner that was unable to effectively treat me. I feel healthy and free!

Thank you so much for this amazing product!


Lita C.

Murrieta, California, USA

How Do I Know if I Have a UTI?

(Female Symptom Checker)

Might have a urinary tract infection?

Interested in getting a second opinion?

Please fill in the five-part questionnaire below, answering all questions thoughtfully and to the best of your knowledge. By doing so, you will be much better prepared for an eventual doctor’s appointment. It might also help your doctor determine if you need a urine test, which is not always a routine practice.

As for the symptoms, they are sensations or perceptions of changes in health experienced by yourself or someone you know, or hold dear who too may be in need for help.

Within 12 to 24 hours, we will email* you back the results along with our brief recommendations (if necessary) that may help you get your urinary tract health back on track. The information given, however, is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of a physician or other healthcare professional.

*Confidentiality Assurance

As privacy is one of the most important issues for all of us on the Internet, please rest assured that all your answers in this questionnaire are strictly confidential. We do not share any part of the completed questionnaire with anyone. Also, your email address is safe with us. We will never rent, sell, or exchange your contact information with anyone.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 7


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Your email (confidentiality guaranteed)*



Urinary tract health resides outside of the false antibiotic comfort zone!

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