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European DP Extract – The Prostate-Related Problems

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis, acute and chronic prostate infection or inflammation, are a cause of concern, especially in elderly males. The prostate gland’s health deteriorates with age, and an enlarged prostate can cause problems in urination, leading to urinary tract infections.

Unfortunately, the main prostate treatments are still prescription drugs or, in serious cases, major surgery such as transurethral resection of the prostate, or prostatectomy (prostate removal). Drugs, however, can have severe side effects, and unsuccessful treatments can cause impotence, sterility, or urinary incontinence, which may mean wearing diapers.

The severest health concern is prostate cancer affecting 2.5 million American men yearly.

Enlarged Prostate Gland Symptoms 

Swelling of the prostate gland can cause symptoms such as:

  • Discomfort and pain: sudden and frequent urge to urinate whether the bladder is full or not.      
  • Nocturia: visiting the bathroom in the middle of the night.      
  • Intermittency: dribbling at the end of the urinary stream.       
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder when urinating.

Alternative medicine has been known for treating prostate conditions naturally, the most popular being Saw Palmetto, an herb used to treat the symptoms of BPH. However, the evidence suggests that the size of the enlarged prostate still remains unaffected. Hence, the relief brought by Saw Palmetto and similar herbs is only temporary.

What is European DP Extract?

European Defined Pollen (DP) Extract, first developed in Sweden, is a blend of water- and fat-soluble standardized extracts from specific pollens, mainly rye flower, in a ratio of 20:1, extracted under low-temperature conditions.

It contains many biologically active compounds, namely vitamins, minerals, enzymes, dietary and amino acids, flavonoids, lipids, prostaglandins and many more.

After years of success in European men, this extract has shown to be successful both in clinical and experimental trials. Digital rectal examination, urine flow, and white blood cell count suggest that 78% of men benefited from taking European DP Extract.

The Effects of European DP Extract

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: it helps shrink the prostate gland and reduce swelling.       
  • Relief from discomfort associated with prostate swelling, that is intermittency, urinary hesitancy, and incomplete bladder emptying.       
  • An exerting effect on hormones that help reduce prostate volume.       
  • Help with urinary incontinence.     
  • Prevention against heart disease.      
  • Protection and detoxification of the liver.

Active Ingredients

European DP Extract is a specific mixture of pollens from the following cereal grasses:

  • Rye Grass       
  • Corn/ Maize       
  • Timothy Grass

Recommended Dosage

A bottle contains 90 vegetarian capsules, 2 capsules to be taken in the morning and at night for 3 consecutive weeks (a loading phase) with half glass purified room temperature water.

It is advisable to continue taking the DP Extract for three months for full and noticeable effects.  Then, you need to take 1 capsule 3 times daily with/without food, each time with half a glass of purified alkaline water.

Caution must be exercised, if you have a known allergy to flower pollen.

For optimal results, European DP Extract can be taken along with Uribiotic Formula, Oregano Oil, and UT Probiotics Ultra, in case you suffer from a chronic prostatitis or a stubborn prostate enlargement.

However, the efficacy of the DP Extract may depend on the diagnosis, degree of severity of the symptoms, history of antibiotic intake, age, structural abnormalities, and other existing health conditions.

Many sufferers with symptoms common to BPH/prostatitis may, actually, have urethritis, candidiasis, or STDs.

European DP Extract is an antibiotic-free, safe and effective natural remedy for prostate infection, greatly relieving the symptoms related to it, mainly due to the prostate enlargement.

Susceptible to urinary infections?

The solution could be right at your fingertips.

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