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Interstitial Cystitis in Women

What You Should Know

How You Can Cope with It*

Mysterious Painful Condition

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) can be mimicked by a chronic bladder disorder called interstitial cystitis (IC for short), also known as painful bladder syndrome (PBS). As a matter of fact, more than two-thirds of all IC/PBS sufferers have a history of UTIs.

In this insidious disorder, the urinary bladder is overly sensitive (a "touchy bladder"). The predominant symptom is pain in the pelvic area in form of discomfort, pressure, soreness and tenderness due to a chronic inflammation of the bladder lining.

The pain and urgency can be very extreme and severe, making work, sexual activity, and normal social functioning difficult, or just impossible.

Believed to be an autoimmune condition, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome may stay about the same or get worse with time. Some women may go into remission for extended periods.

Unlike ordinary bladder infections, the cause or, rather, the causes of IC/PBS continue to baffle medical researchers. It is believed that this mysterious, chronic pelvic pain condition may be the result of:

  • Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels).
  • Autoimmune disease (such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammatory bowel disease, Addison’s disease, Graves’ disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, myasthenia gravis, autoimmune vasculitis, pernicious anemia, celiac disease).
  • Acid-alkali imbalance (brought about by environmental factors and diet).
  • Abnormal substances in the urine (such as hemoglobin, ketones, protein, urobilinogen).
  • Infection caused by a more elusive strain of bacteria, undetected by standard tests - a group of ultra-small microbes known as TM7, considered microbial “dark matter," very difficult to isolate and examine; found in every human body and increased in number with certain diseases).
  • Functional neurological disorder (FND), a complex condition where patients experience physical neurological symptoms, but without a clear structural problem in the nervous system (such as multiple sclerosis or stroke).
  • Dysfunctional epithelium (defective cells in the bladder lining).
  • Food allergies and sensitivities (coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, and citrus juices; artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, hot peppers, spicy foods).
  • Seasonal allergies (blooming trees and flowers).

Several other disorders that are associated with IC/PBS include:

  • Abdominal (stomach) migraine, similar to migraine headache – a neurological disease characterized by intense episodes of abdominal pain lasting 2 or more hours followed by long periods without symptoms.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - a common disorder affecting the large intestine with cramping and abdominal pain.
  • Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) - a long-term condition that causes widespread muscle pain (all over the body).
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) - a complicated disorder characterized by an unexplained extreme fatigue that doesn't improve with rest).
  • Vulvodynia (pain or burning in the vulvar area, not caused by infection or skin disease).

Although interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome is most common in women, it can also occur in men and children.


Women outnumber men by as much as eight to one. The current estimate is that 3 to 8 million women suffer from this mysterious and insidious disease. Most women are diagnosed in their early forties.

There is still no evidence that stress causes IC/PBS in the first place. However, it is well-known that if a person has it, physical or mental stress can make the symptoms worse.

Here's the good news about interstitial cystitis though:

  • It is not contagious.
  • It does not spread in the body and does not seem to worsen with time.
  • It is not a cause of bladder cancer.

For some women, the symptoms improve or disappear during pregnancy. For other women, they get worse. But it does not seem to affect fertility or the health of a fetus.

Medical Diagnosis

As medical experts still do not know what causes IC/PBS, there is no a standard test or technique that can say a person has it. Your doctor can only rule out or treat the other related conditions such as:

  • Urinary tract infection / bacterial cystitis (an inflammation of the bladder caused by pathogenic bacteria entering the bladder via the urethra).
  • Chronic urethral syndrome, also known as symptomatic abacteriuria with no clear cause; it has many of the same symptoms as urethritis - inflammation or irritation of urethra - such as abdominal pain and frequent, painful urination).
  • Overactive bladder (a syndrome with such symptoms as a sudden, uncontrolled need or urge to urinate, urine leakage, and the need to pass urine many times during the day and night).
  • Vulvodynia (a chronic pain or discomfort around the opening of your vagina (vulva) lasting for at least three months).
  • Vaginal infection (bacterial infection causing a discharge with itching, redness, and sometimes burning and soreness).
  • Endometriosis (when the tissue that makes up the uterine lining is present on other organs inside your body causing lower abdominal pain, pain with periods, or pain with sexual intercourse).
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
  • Bladder cancer (with the first being blood in the urine (hematuria) and pain or burning during urination without evidence of urinary tract infection (UTI).

Also, there is no a definitive test to say a person does not have interstitial cystitis.

To make a diagnosis, your physician will have first to decide whether the symptoms are typical of IC/PBS. Next, he or she will need to rule out other health issues, as the ones mentioned above, that might be causing the symptoms.

Some believe that IC / PBS is present if a patient has symptoms and no other cause for those symptoms is found. Others think that more tests are needed to find out whether the patient has IC / PBS.

A number of standard diagnostic tools include:


A urine sample is studied under a microscope to check for blood or bacteria in the urine which may indicate urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones or other urinary problems.

Urine culture

A urine sample is studied to determine if there are any pathogenic bacteria growing in it. The bacteria are then tested to determine which prescription drugs will most effectively treat them.

Urine cytology

An examination of the cells from the bladder lining that are in the urine.


This is the main standard diagnostic tool for interstitial cystitis. The procedure allows the urologist to look directly into the bladder. A thin, flexible tube called a cystoscope is gently inserted into the bladder through the urethra.

Bladder stretch (Cystoscopy with hydrodistention)

In this procedure the bladder is hydrodistended, that is first stretched or filled to a high pressure with fluid. Then, the urologist examines the inside of the bladder for tiny irritated, bleeding hemorrhages - called glomerulations - on the bladder wall.

In 95 percent of women, glomerulations (petechial hemorrhages) in the bladder are a major symptom of IC/PBS. Their presence suggests that the bladder wall has been damaged, irritated and/or inflamed.

It should be notated, however, that glomerulations are associated only with some types of interstitial cystitis.

Standard Medical Treatments

There is no medicinal cure for interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome, but many medical treatments offer some relief, either singly or in combination. Figuring out what works can be hit-or-miss, as there is no way to predict who will respond best to which treatment.

IC/PBS medical treatments, aimed at easing symptoms, may include:

Bladder enlargement (augmentation)

It is an operation to make the bladder larger and increase its capacity. It can also lower the pressure in the bladder (making it more elastic) and interfere with pain signals sent by the nerve cells in the bladder.

Bladder stretch (hydrodistention)

This outpatient, one-day-stay procedure, however, is not only used for the diagnosis, but also for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. In most cases, it is done with general anaesthesia, as local anaesthesia is very uncomfortable for patients with a very painful bladder condition.

Most women (80 percent), however, experience worsening of the pain afterwards, especially upon waking up. For the pain to go slowly away, it usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Also, in a few days following the procedure, there is a risk of developing a urinary tract infection. A urine test then is done, and possibly a course of antibiotics administered immediately.

If the IC / PBS symptoms return after the initial hydrodistention the procedure can be repeated, as some women show improvement only after the 2nd or 3rd treatment. Hypothetically, the bladder stretch helps relieve the IC symptoms by damaging the oversensitive nerve endings in the bladder lining.

Bladder wash (instillation)

It delivers medication to the bladder with a solution that is held in the bladder for a short period of time (from a few seconds to 15 minutes), then drained with a catheter.

Prescription medicines

There are many different drugs that may be used (taken by mouth or put right into the bladder). It should be noted that antibiotics are ineffective. Many women are prescribed Elmiron. This drug, however, results in vision damage and loss.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Mild electric pulses enter the body for minutes to hours. This is done 2 or more times a day. The pulses are sent through wires placed on the lower back. Or through special devices put into the vagina. For some people, TENS eases bladder pain and urinary frequency and urgency.

Sacral neuromodulation (delivered via the InterStim™ system)

It is a treatment option for bladder control. An implant electrically stimulate the sacral nerve which is thought to normalize neural communication between the bladder and brain. This treatment, however, may be effective in addressing the frequency associated with interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome, but not the relief of pain.

Bladder training

Urinating at certain times and using relaxation methods and distractions to help keep to schedule. And trying, over time, to lengthen the time between the scheduled urinations.

Physical therapy

It may be used in select cases, especially for treatment of associated pelvic floor muscle spasm.


Surgery - cystectomy with urinary diversion

In severe cases, removal of the bladder, or part of the bladder, if other treatments do not work. A treatment of last resort.

Standard Lifestyle Recommendations

When you have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, you will first be offered the ways in which you can help yourself, like lifestyle changes. Some doctors agree that the IC symptoms can be managed with:

Changing diet

Without any doubt, diet plays an important role in keeping IC/PBS under control. Certain products including, but not limited to, coffee, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits, tomatoes, carbonated drinks, and spicy food have been associated with exacerbation of symptoms. A trial of elimination of such foods and beverages, especially acidic, may be worthwhile.

Not smoking

As nicotine irritates the bladder, smoking cessation can help to reduce the IC symptoms.

Gentle exercising

Low impact aerobics, Tai Chi, Pilates, walking or yoga may help ease the IC symptoms or make them stop for a while. They can also speed remission.

Reducing stress

There is no proof that stress causes IC/PBS. But if a person has it, stress can make the IC symptoms worse.

Taking nutritional supplements

There are many supplements available over-the-counter (OTC) or in health food stores, such as chondroitin sulfate and quercetin. They may help reverse the damage done to the urothelium, which normally acts as a barrier against insults to the urinary bladder.

*Based on various available sources and studies, our research and practical experience. Last modified on May 12, 2023. The short version is available on our blog: Natural Help for Interstitial Cystitis.

Changing Diet Is Not Easy

Transformation is usually stressful, even for a healthy person. Stressed-out and probably confused, you cannot be expected to comply instantly with all the necessary dietary changes.

You may, however, begin with a more liberal plan doing a little at a time; then moving on to a more stringent program. The end result may take longer to achieve, but you will most likely stay on your plan long enough to attain your desired goals.

You can also start with a more limiting program and then gradually ease into a more lenient one, as tolerated. In both cases, you will be in control of those changes saving yourself much frustration and - time.

Although the dietary restrictions advised may seem hard, it is heartening to realize you can achieve significant improvement of your condition - if you put your mind to it.

One Day at a Time

By deciding to change your food choices, you will take the first significant step towards better urinary health. Knowing the right foods to eat can make an amazing difference in your lifestyle

Taking it one day at a time will make the elimination of wrong foods much easier.

Natural Alternative Measures

(Beyond Symptomatic Relief)

Uribiotic Formula*

Many years ago, we learned from our clients and customers that Uribiotic Formula was helping them to cope successfully with this mysterious painful condition.

Obviously, it was great news to us and to many IC sufferers seeking and appreciating any support and advice, be it medical or alternative, in hopes for finding relief from this chronic, debilitating disorder.

But, after all these years of success with Uribiotic, we weren’t too surprised by this news. Nevertheless, it seems appropriate to explain briefly why – in our opinion – Uribiotic Formula can be of help to many women suffering from interstitial cystitis.

It is our working experience that Uribiotic is particularly effective in cases of IC caused by an elusive strain of pathogenic bacteria, so far undetected by standard tests.

It can be stated, then, with a great degree of certainty, that Uribiotic Formula, as a multi-herbal supplement is able to neutralize – to say the least – that elusive strain of pathogens still unknown to standard medicine. By doing so, as a first step of the whole healing process, it can help to ease the intensity of painful symptoms and reduce their frequency.

But the symptoms of interstitial cystitis may also be caused by an abnormal inflammatory response of the epithelial cells, typical to many chronic autoimmune diseases.

For years, Uribiotic Formula has been known to help heal, inhibit and prevent inflammation of the urothelium – the thin tissue lining the entire urinary tract and acting as a barrier against all kind of insults to the bladder.

Here comes another piece of the "touchy bladder" puzzle: At times, in many women affected by IC and diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI), the symptoms of interstitial cystitis worsen significantly.

In that situation, the function of Uribiotic is self-explanatory. This unique formulation has been specifically designed to fight off UTIs. Its two-fold mode of action includes killing the infectious bacteria and healing the urinary tract.

Therefore, it can be said that Uribiotic Formula offers more than just a symptomatic amelioration. When taken as suggested, it can help to address two issues known as the possible causes (etiologies) of interstitial cystitis:

  • presence of pathogenic bacteria and
  • an inflammatory response of the urothelial cells resulting in urothelial damage or dysfunction.

Uribiotic, then, offers many IC sufferers much-needed hope and real, practical help - safe and with no side effects. It can also be a part of such natural, complementary therapies for the "touchy bladder" as diet, biofeedback, massage, yoga, and Pilates.

Lastly, we have learned that many women, already taking Uribiotic Formula, do experience noticeably better results after adding other natural supplements.

Supplemental Oregano Oil*

Origanum vulgare, also known as Greek or Mediterranean oregano, has been regarded as one of the most efficacious natural infection fighters. It is a rare wild herb which grows in the mountainous regions of the eastern Mediterranean.

It demonstrated to be 26 times as potent as phenol known for its strong antiseptic properties. (Phenol is also a versatile precursor to a large collection of drugs, most notably aspirin, and many herbicides and pharmaceuticals). Therefore, it has been considered the closest to an ideal antibacterial agent.

It reveals strong inhibition of both E. coli, Proteus and Pseudomonas bacteria, its high amounts make it a very effective remedy for urinary tract infections.

It reveals strong inhibition of both E. coli, Proteus and Pseudomonas bacteria, its high amounts make it a very effective remedy for urinary tract infections.

Oil of oregano is recognized as having broad anti-inflammatory effectiveness. It also helps balance microflora colonization in favor of beneficial inhabitants, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract.

When used properly, the health-giving properties of oregano oil can be profound. It offers you a safe and natural option, along with a simple, ingenious rationale, no known side-effects, and a great reported success rate.

It is our working experience that its health benefits include interstitial cystitis (IC). Oil of oregano can be taken both orally and, when diluted, applied topically, directly on the skin.

**Although Uribiotic Formula and Oil of Wild Oregano work really well, we need to remind you that the results may vary from person to person. Should you have any questions about how effective these supplements are, please feel free to contact us. Our purpose is to help you keep your urinary tract healthy the natural way.

Women with IC Write to Us

(Real-Life Stories & Testimonials)

Feel normal again

I have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. And over the past two years, I have taken so many antibiotics* for that. On my last visit to my urologist, after having a cystoscopy, he recommended that I should try D-Mannose to help me get away from antibiotics. I was using it, but still had a couple of full-blown UTIs.

After a huge amount of research to help my recurring UTIs, I came upon your webpage. Since then I have not looked back.

I have only been taking the Uribiotic Formula, d-Mannose MAX and Oregano Oil for approximately two weeks now, feeling great, back to a normal healthy relationship with my husband.

I showed these products to my Naturopath who is very interested as there is nothing close to that in Australia. With my great results, she is going to forward your webpage to her patients.

Well done and thank you for helping me to feel normal again. And if I can help others here with my testimony I will be more than happy to recommend your Uribiotic.

I will be very happy to order again as I am going to take these products as an ongoing prevention, not just to treat when I get a UTI, to continue good health.

Kind regards,

Kathy A.



Although there are many different drugs used medicinally, antibiotics are known to be ineffective against interstitial cystitis.

Helps me tremendously

I have had interstitial cystitis (IC) for eight years. A couple of months ago, I had a bladder infection and wanted to find a natural antibiotic for bladder infections.

After doing thorough research on natural antibiotics, I decided to try Uribiotic Formula. When I started I felt comfort within 24 hours.

After using Uribiotic for a month, knowing my symptoms were gone, I stopped taking it.

Within a couple of weeks, I again felt discomfort. I then realized that Uribiotic was helping my IC.

I am now taking it on a daily basis: two capsules (and good probiotics) in the morning and in the evening. This is helping my IC tremendously.

Thank you for a great product!


Seattle, Washington, USA

How Do I Know if I Have IC?

(Symptom Checker)

Might have an IC/PBS?

Interested in getting a second opinion?

Please fill in the two-part questionnaire below, answering all questions thoughtfully and to the best of your knowledge. By doing so, you will be much better prepared for an eventual doctor’s appointment. It might also help your doctor determine if you need further testing or treatment, which is not always a routine practice.

As for the symptoms, they are sensations or perceptions of changes in health experienced by yourself or someone you know, or hold dear who too may be in need for help.

Within 12 to 24 hours, we will email you back the results along with our brief recommendations (if necessary) that may help you get your urinary health back on track. The information given, however, is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of a doctor or other healthcare professional.*

*Confidentiality Assurance

As privacy is one of the most important issues for all of us on the Internet, please rest assured that all your answers in this questionnaire are strictly confidential. We do not share any part of the completed questionnaire with anyone. Also, your email address is safe with us. We will never rent, sell, or exchange your contact information with anyone.

Step 1 of 3


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