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How to Prevent Urinary Infections Naturally

The treatment of urinary tract infections can become a handicap for people, especially women, who suffer repeated episodes. On one hand, their usual treatment usually requires taking antibiotics and increasing bacterial resistance to them. On the other one, you have to carry out a series of hygienic measures. These should contribute to the prevention of the evolution of the infection.

Although there are a number of treatments available for UTI, you will find that it can be treated by taking a more natural approach. There are also a number of tips to avoid cystitis naturally. First of all, you will have to follow a series of healthy habits such as drinking plenty of water, avoiding carbonated drinks, changing your wet swimsuit, maintaining proper daily hygiene, urinating every two to three hours and before and after having sex, using soaps, avoid wearing tight clothes and combating constipation.

Natural treatment of urinary infections

There are several medicinal plants for urinary infections. Some of them include:

American red cranberry

The preventive treatment of cystitis with American cranberry is one of the most used to prevent recurrent urinary infections. It helps to hinder the adhesion of bacteria to the walls of the urinary tract. This is due to its content in type A proanthocyanidins (PAC), phenolic compounds that are fixed in the bacteria’s fimbriae, alter its configuration, and block its adhesion capacity.

Thus, a study published in Antibiotics concludes that type A proanthocyanidins offer a 75% reduction in the adhesion of the uropathogenic E.coli bacteria.


The bearberry is a plant native to North America, with antiseptic properties. It is a compound that acts by releasing hydroquinone, which is excreted in the urine. It also has an important antimicrobial activity. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approves its traditional use to treat symptoms of mild recurrent UTI infections. They include burning sensation when urinating and / or frequent urination in women.

For its part, the European Scientific Society of Phytotherapy (ESCOP) specifies its use in mild cystitis, when antibiotics are not considered essential.

Other medicinal plants for cystitis (diuretics)

Medicinal plants with diuretic effects such as orthosiphon, dandelion or horsetail, can be used as adjuvants in the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections. They contribute to lower urine retention and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms accumulated in the bladder.


The ortosiphon originates from Indonesia. It is high in potassium and phenolics. Research proves their traditional use to increase urine output or urine secretion, as a urinary tract lavage therapy and, especially, in inflammatory urinary disorders, such as renal lithiasis, or as an adjuvant in the treatment of bacterial infections.


The dandelion plant is rich in fructose containing potassium, phenolic acids, and terpene compounds. The EMA approves the traditional use of the leaf and root with aerial parts of this plant to activate urinary elimination and as an adjunct in mild urinary conditions.

These medicinal plants can be an aid for urinary infections, such as recurrent cystitis.

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